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About the Artist

Drawing upon her experiences of travel and interest in nature, Mary Burgess expresses herself through painting, and watercolor in particular.  She is especially interested in the effect of light and shadow on her subjects.  Each painting is begun with a colorful wash which acts to provide unity in the paintings and masterful color shifts reflect the subtleties found in nature.  The paint is glazed, one layer over another to achieve a rich and complex color palette

Mary studied art at the University of Oregon and The Ohio State University where she received a degree in Art Education.  Her passion for watercolor began while teaching art at David Douglas High School.  She has studied with Judy Morris, Ted Nuttal, Paul Jackson and other notable watercolor artists.  Mary’s work may be viewed at Rain Spark Gallery in Lake Oswego, Oregon, Lake Oswego Open Studios, and Chehalem Mountain Art Affair.  She is a signature member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon, and shows her work at and Lake Area Artists annual show.

Burgess is a resident of Lake Oswego, Oregon, where she lives with her husband and a flock of four chickens.

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